1. February 2024

Japanese delegation visits FESH

REINFELD/ BAD OLDESLOE. Today, the FESH project welcomed a delegation from Japan. Representatives of the Japanese energy supply company TEPCO Power Grid and the Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI) showed their interest in the overhead line technology with their visit and informed themselves about the eHighway Schleswig-Holstein field trial. Together, they are researching strategies to drive forward the electrification of transportation in Japan.

Particular interest was shown in the organization of the field test and the integration of the route into the energy grid infrastructure. During an accompanied trip along the eHighway and a tour of the grid connection point (NAP) in Reinfeld, the delegation was given an insight into overhead line technology.

The group of visitors also met for an open exchange at the Bad Oldesloe highway maintenance depot, where the project manager of the field test and the responsible system technician reported on the operating experience gained, the energy grid connection and future plans.