10. October 2024

VSF e.V. visits FESH

BAD OLDESLOE. On October 1, ’24, the FuE-Zentrum and Autobahn GmbH welcomed the Association of Self-Employed and Freelancers (VSF) to the Bad Oldesloe freeway maintenance depot.

The welcome took place in the courtyard of the highway maintenance depot, where the forwarding company Bode presented one of its overhead line hybrid trucks. The freeway and the FuE-Zentrum at the freeway maintenance depot then presented their previous experiences and findings on overhead line technology. The members of the VSF were able to ask questions during the presentations, so that there was an open exchange with the guests at all times.

The Verband der Selbstständigen und Freiberufler e.V. has represented the interests of trade, crafts and freelance professions since 2003.