8. May 2019

Salvage work on the eHighway

EHIGHWAY. As also reported in the local press , a passenger car crashed in the construction site of the eHighway on May 07, 2019. In the early morning hours, the driver apparently first overlooked the barrier at the entrance to the construction site and then collided with a parked construction vehicle. Fortunately, the man was uninjured.

The subsequent recovery of the car with a crane truck had to be carried out from the two left lanes due to the construction site partition. However, the car could still be lifted out from under the overhead line without any problems and transported away on the crane truck.
The regional towing and recovery companies had already been informed about the new situation on the A1 in a workshop at the freeway maintenance center, where necessary changes to recovery concepts were also discussed. The incident showed that salvage work on passenger cars can also be carried out under the overhead lines without any complications.