Bild: v.l.n.r. Björn Lehmann-Matthaei, (Geschäftsführer FuE-Zentrum FH Kiel GmbH), Jan Bachmann, (Projektleiter FESH, FuE-Zentrum FH Kiel GmbH), Tobias Goldschmidt (Minister für Energiewende, Klimaschutz, Umwelt und Natur des Landes Schleswig-Holstein), Jens Sommerburg (Leiter der AdB Außenstelle Lübeck), Carsten Butenschön (Direktor AdB Nord), Claus Ruhe Madsen (Minister für Wirtschaft, Verkehr, Arbeit, Technologie und Tourismus), Tobias Koch (Landesvorsitzender der CDU)
8. December 2022

Energy Minister Goldschmidt and Minister of Economics Madsen informed themselves about the status of the project

BAD OLDESLOE. Three years of operation and accompanying research in the field test eHighway Schleswig-Holstein (FESH) on the A1 were the reason for the FESH project partners to inform about previous findings from the project and to discuss the opportunities of the overhead contact line system for the electrification of heavy trucks with experts from science, industry and politics at an event in the highway maintenance facility in Bad Oldesloe.

As Jan Bachmann, project manager at the R&D Center at Kiel University of Applied Sciences, explained in his summary of the field trial so far, valuable insights into technical, ecological and economic issues have already been gained – also due to the involvement of accompanying scientific research – which will provide policymakers with a basis for decisions on possible expansion. Tobias Goldschmidt, Minister for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature of the State of Schleswig-Holstein emphasized in his welcoming speech “Schleswig-Holstein is a top location for climate protection technologies. The eHighway is a promising option for more climate protection in the transport sector.” Claus Ruhe Madsen, Minister of Economy, Transport, Labor, Technology and Tourism was also optimistic about the future of the eHighway and, looking at neighboring countries, said, “A real eHighway network can be created in the region.”

The following link will take you to the press release of the R&D center.