21. September 2021

Maintenance work on the eHighway

REINFELD. The Kiel University of Applied Sciences Research and Development Center performed maintenance work on the five-kilometer eHighway test track between Reinfeld and Lübeck. The work was carried out at night (right and center lanes) so as not to disrupt traffic.

During the semi-annual maintenance, for example, the condition of the catenary as well as the masts and control cabinets are checked. What about corrosion? Do individual components need to be replaced? Attention will also be paid to whether any trees growing into the plant need to be trimmed back. Among others, a team from the transport company Nahverkehr Schwerin, which specializes in the operation of streetcars, is on duty for this purpose.

The FESH project is scientifically supported by various research institutions. Michael Brand, who coordinates the accompanying research around the eHighway in Schleswig-Holstein, used the time during the nightly road closures, for example, to maintain the measurement technology for bird flight detection and to install components for the energy and network connection of new sensors.