Maintenance work on the test track
EHIGHWAY. These days, the bi-annual maintenance of the eHighway test track on the A1 between the Lübeck and Reinfeld interchanges is taking place. The maintenance intervals are comparatively tightly timed because the overhead contact line systems for the electrification of road freight transport are still being tested as part of the field trial. The traffic safety of the overhead contact line infrastructure is the top priority. Currently, an average of 25 O-trucks pass the test track every day for research purposes.
As part of the maintenance, visual inspections and parts checks are carried out on the entire overhead contact line. This allows any damage, wear and other abnormalities to be identified. Activities include, for example, contact wire position measurement, inspection and cleaning of installed insulators, and inspection of research installations.
In addition, the appointment is used to work on the measurement installations. This involves, for example, optimizing the quality of the current and voltage measurements on the test track. For example, new measuring systems with higher automation are being tested. The installation of new sensors is also carried out on this occasion. By combining maintenance and research work, the least possible disruption to road traffic on the eHighway test track is achieved.