Record electricity gain from the overhead line
In July 2024, the eHighway Schleswig-Holstein field trial reached two milestones. Since the start of operations at the end of 2019, the overhead line trucks have now covered 50,000 km connected to the overhead line, drawing 80,000 kWh of electrical energy.
Over the years, several generations of trucks have been used and their performance has been continuously improved. Since the end of 2022, three hybrid overhead line trucks have been available in the highest expansion stage, demonstrating the potential of overhead line technology for the electrification of heavy road freight transport.
A new record was recently set with overhead line electricity gain of 1.65 MWh in one week. The three hybrid overhead line trucks were connected to the overhead line for 565 km during 138 crossings in this week. This resulted in an average reference power of 2.9 kWh/km or 250 kW. With a consumption of 1.2 kWh/km, one kilometer of eHighway enables around 2.5 km of electric driving.
The evaluations of 87,000 km of shuttle traffic since 2023 confirm this high electrification potential. With an overhead line share of only 20%, the prototype vehicles covered 51% of the distance on the approx. 25 km long shuttle routes electrically.