Network meeting of the overhead line community

FRANKFURT. The German overhead line projects FESH, eWayBW, ELISA and BEE hosted a network meeting with international participation at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) in Frankfurt am Main.

CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive from China visits eHighway

REINFELD. After the R&D Center FH Kiel GmbH recently welcomed visitors from China to the eHighway Schleswig-Holstein, another Chinese delegation from CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive has now made its way to Schleswig-Holstein.

VSF e.V. visits FESH

BAD OLDESLOE. On October 1, ’24, the FuE-Zentrum and Autobahn GmbH welcomed the Association of Self-Employed and Freelancers (VSF) to the Bad Oldesloe freeway maintenance depot.

CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive from China visits eHighway

REINFELD. After the R&D Center FH Kiel GmbH recently welcomed visitors from China to the eHighway Schleswig-Holstein, another Chinese delegation from CRRC Zhuzhou Locomotive has now made its way to Schleswig-Holstein.

FESH welcomes visitor from China

The FuE-Zentrum FH Kiel GmbH recently received a visit from the Kunming University of Science and Technology from China at the eHighway in Reinfeld.

Record electricity gain from the overhead line

In July 2024, the eHighway Schleswig-Holstein field trial reached two milestones. Since the start of operations at the end of 2019, the overhead line trucks have now covered 50,000 km connected to the overhead line, drawing 80,000 kWh of electrical energy.